Puns of the month - Collectibles
Bonjour et bienvenue à la page des "puns of the month"! Au début de mon stream sur Twitch, chaque nouvel abonné recevait un jeu de mot sur mon mur. J'offre maintenant la chance de collectionner ces jeux de mots terribles (ainsi que les OG qui n'étaient que des représentations du mois sans jeux de mots) Voici ce que vous pourrez découvrir dans vos paquets!
Hello and welcome to the page of the "Puns of the month"! At the beginning of my Twitch career, the people who subscribed to the channel got their own "pun" related to the month pinned to my wall (or in the very early days, they got the OG representation that wasn't actually a pun)
I'm offering you the amazing chance for you to collect these very puns now! Here you can see what are the possibilities when you purchase your very own pack!